Not working anymore!
Ive used for a long time Mobiola WEBCAM in Skype and video chat sites (throught GOOGLE CHROME), up until yesterday. As of today, any of my browsers or my Skype applications on my MAC MINI wont recognize my VIdeo FEED from the app. I do get a connection between the iPhone/iPAD and the MAC MINI, but the VIDEO is not "fed/transferred" for some reason to the browsers or Skype.
Is there an update to correct the issue? Is it a adobe flash issue? Or MAc os x issue? I should I proceed?
Technical INFO:
Mobiola WEBCAM version: latest.
Skype version: 6.15
MAC OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5
iOs: 8.1.1 (on both ipad and iphone)
Google Chrome: 39.0.2171.71 (64-bit)
Thanks a lot,
Chendrix007 about
WebCamera, v2.8.1